The Spectrum Update


- Roster additions:

    - 11 species added (114 unique, 135 total)

    - 10 tourneys added (50 total)

    - 13 areas added (83 total)

 - Roaming Events implemented

    - Party members may now attempt to move in to the home screen or just leave for a while

        - Party members who instinctively or genuinely don't like one another can and will fight each other while at home; the loser doesn't incur any extra battles nor a true loss in their records, but may end up injured

    - Others who really like the Active Reverian are a lot more likely to break in

 - P2P Connections additions:

    - Item/Egg trading implemented

    - The game now auto-saves after every successful interaction

    - Connecting to others of an opposing version/mode will unlock something nice for both the host and client

 - Player/Party changes:

    - Party members in a bad mood might not undergo any Hunger decay while on the home screen

    - Visitors may now attempt to leave on their own accord depending on their current state

    - Wraiths may attempt to feed off of other party members' Spirit depending on their fondness

     - Certain species are now guaranteed to obey no matter what

 - Venture changes:

    - Weather conditions now bleed into battle and directly bolster certain abilities/species/types, or damage participants outright

    - Adjusted recruitment bonus from Poaching quests

    - The 7★ Primal boss zones now have recruitment enabled

 - Battle changes:

    - Weather conditions now bleed into battle and directly affect certain abilities/species

    - Vampire ability no longer bypasses Violator

    - Reduced redundancies in gauging what battlers do

 - Reimplemented controller support for non-Steam builds

 - Added LCD toggles and (volatile) fullscreen zoom for Android

 - Randomized SLOTS selection

 - Reduced redundancies in ability detection

 - Consolidated home screen actions for the Active Reverian and their visitor (minus Home Events)

 - And some other things


 - Finally fixed Energy decay not budging for an asleep Active Reverian

 - Game crash from not having anyone available to see off a party (member) going away

 - Potential game crash from a teammate attempting to say something that doesn't yet exist during Night Raids and Ventures

 - Game crash from Voyage/Gig/School pointing to Venture/Night Raid status screens instead of the Away screen

 - Missing response during certain Night Raid downtime speeches

 - Canvas selection counts not updating correcly and a game crash from missing sheet names

 - Corrected missing glasses on Handler Ferozeon's sad sprite

 - Placeholder species speech being left over

 - Species from the Imago Update not being considered as released (if still obtainable by regular means)

 - Venture encounter menu not updating

 - Tourney list including future tourneys with unfinished/undefined species

 - Valzaios incorrectly picking up on the presence of female players instead of female party members while undergoing fondness-related stat decay

 - Maybe some other things


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